FRANCISCO RADLER DE AQUINO NETO, born in Dec. 31st, 1948, in Rio de Janeiro, married, 2 children, 4 grandchildren, Emeritus Professor of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ; 2013-). B.Sc. (IQ/UFRJ-1969), Chemist (IQ/UFRJ-1970), D.Sc. (IQ/UFRJ-1978). Founder and Director of the Laboratory for the Support of Technological Development and its Associated Laboratories, LADETEC & LA (1984-). Post-doc (Synthesis and Molecular Geochemistry, Dr. P. Albrecht, Un. Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg, France,1979-1980; Multidimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Dr. Jeremy K. M. Sanders, Un. Chemical Laboratory, Cambridge Un., U.K., 1981-1982).”Professeur Invité” from the Un. Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg, 1986; Visiting Research Professor at Dr. C. Fenselau lab., Structural Biochemistry Center, Dept. Chem. Biochem., UMBC, Baltimore, MD, USA, 12/95-01/97.Undergraduate teacher 1968-1973 (Monitor), 1973-1980 (Teaching Assistant), 1981 (Assistant Professor), 1982-1992 (Joint Professor), 1993-2012 (Full Professor). Graduate courses teacher since 1982. Head of the Post-Graduate Organic Chemistry courses (1978-1979, 1984-95). All from the Chemistry Institute – UFRJ. Researcher from the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq) since 1981, 15 years as 1.A, presently graded 1.B.Supervised 94 “research initiation”, 46 M.Sc., 41 D.Sc. students, 28 Pos-Doc fellows and 51 researchers; supervising 02 “research initiation”, 02 Post-docs, and 14 researchers. Conference presentations 200, communications in national (304) and international meetings (302); publications in international scientific journals (359).Distinguished Medalist from the Brazilian Soccer Confederation (CBF, 1995; for contributions to doping control in sports), Simão Mathias Medal from the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ, 2000, for outstanding contributions to Chemistry), Commemorative Medal of the 40 years of the Graduate Courses of Organic Chemistry of IQ-UFRJ (2004; to 40 contributors to the significant development of Science or graduate courses in Brazil), Minister Raymundo Muniz de Aragão (2004; relevant contributions to science in Brazil), Partners in action (2004, The Special Secretariat for Prevention of Chemical Addiction of the Rio de Janeiro City Administration for those who excel in their contribution to turn Rio in a safe, healthy and no-drug city), Pioneer of Mass Spectrometry in Brazil (2005, Brazilian Mass Spectrometry Association, BrMass, on occasion of the 1st Brazilian Mass Spectrometry Congress), PETROBRAS Technology Award (2007). National Order of the Scientific Merit from the President of Brazil (2010), Medals Lavoisier CRQ-III-RJ (2011), Walter B. Mors SBQ-Rio (2011). Plaque Paschoal E. A. Senise at the 16th National Meeting on Analytical Chemistry (2011). Outstanding project on petroleum by the National Petroleum Agency (2011), Remolo Ciola SIMCRO (2014), Angelo da Cunha Pinto IQ-UFRJ (2016), Athos da Silveira Ramos IQ-UFRJ (2018), Recognition as a Scientist from our State by FAPERJ (1999-2014, 2017-2020, excellence in Chemistry). Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (2000). Certificate of appreciation from the International Academy of Indoor Air Sciences (IAIAS; 2001). Amigo da Marinha do Brasil (2019). Research interests are centered on High Resolution Gas Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry, Omic Sciences, Molecular Organic Geochemistry, Geochemical Prospecting for Crude Oil, Outdoor Indoor Environment, Indoor Air Quality, Doping Control and other Analytical problems concerning Natural Products-, environmental-, forensic-, pharmacological-, toxicological- and clinical chemistry, quality control.